
Hey, I am Alex.
Just my boring personal website.

I'm a fairly curious person.

I enjoy creating things, listening to music, and lately reading books.

And I like black coffee.

react logo
typescript logo
next js logo
git logo
firebase logo
tailwind logo
Little projects

Here are a few things I've built so far that I'm pretty pleased with.

Dental Clinic 🦷

it's a work in progress

build with react, vite, firebase and typescript

designed with tailwind and shadcn


Fullstack e-commerce app 🛒

Fullstack Note-taking app 📝

build with react, next.js, firebase

and typescript

designed with tailwind and nextui

Grocery Store

An online supermarket app build with react and stripe checkout integration.

Get in touch

It will be nice to hear from you!

...or find me on Github.